3 Important Clues To Your Healing Are In Your Story

dR. Nisha Chellam
4 min readMar 2, 2019


Your life is your story , write well and edit often- unknown

There is an opening story Wayne Dyer talks about. He starts off saying that he lost his keys in a dark room in the house. He begins searching for them and it dawns on him he will never find his keys in the dark.

Then he notices there is light in the street and decides it makes more sense to search for the keys where there is light.

And as he is searching for this, his neighbour joins him. After ten minutes his neighbour asks him where he dropped the keys and is understandably shocked to note it was inside the house. So Wayne Dyer goes on to explain that it made more sense to search for it where there is light and not in the dark room he dropped it.

This is exactly the story we all have for our disease processes. We never search for a root cause . We simply attack the disease and the person having the disease. How about we shed some real light on how disease really develops?

As physicians and patients we are taught repeatedly that disease is inevitable.

Health is inevitable and disease is a choice

Let me explain why I believe health is inevitable and disease becomes a choice in a lot of instances.That is a bold statement however it is the truth. There are choices we make or do not make that gets us out of the healthy mode onto a disease management conveyor belt.

It is all in your story.

Every unresolved problem in life if not acknowledged or dealt with gets stacked up.

As a functional medical doctor this is what we do, understand your story.

We put the pieces together of your story as you tell it and get to the root cause.

So what are the 3 important clues we dig into to explain the disease process:

  1. Antecedent
  2. Triggers
  3. Mediators

What is an antecedent?

Just what it means, the past , the prior, the preceding events. This is what we call in traditional medicine your family history.

What are your roots? How was the health of the family you were born into?

What diseases did your parents have that were significant?

Particular history is your mother’s health during her pregnancy with you.

What were your earlier years like? Were you born normally or were you breast fed? See the checklist given below for more details.

What is a trigger?

Triggers in life come in three main categories:




Trauma is a physical injury that took away function for a moment. This can happen if you had a sports injury , an accident, or a fall.

An example would be an outwardly healthy 82 year old living independently, slips on ice falls and breaks a hip. Medical literature says this person would die in the first 2 years of having a fracture. the fracture is here traumatic trigger.

Toxins: These can be chemicals or infections.

They come from substances we put on ourselves, what we eat and what we inhale.

Many of these substances are not something our bodies and our liver ( the organ that is are main detoxification organ), are used to processing and eliminating from our system.

Infections, can stay what we call indolent or silent, and are mostly viral. The Epstein Barr virus or Herpes simplex are all examples. This keeps our immune system constantly working and it can get upset and cause disease

Thoughts can be very profound in altering our physiology. Our belief system, our subconscious mind is the key to success or failure. This powerful quote is my favorite and tells it all.

Tony Robbins says:

What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.

So thoughts are as powerful as a toxin or a trauma.

What is a mediator?

What you seek is seeking you-Rumi

For a disease to truly happen we need a mediator.

If the trigger is the process of setting fire the mediator is the process of keeping the fire going on.

So let’s say our 82 year old fell that is her trigger. However healing process is inhibited by her mediators, the placement in a nursing home( disruption of her routine), the consumption of processed foods(the toxin) and the belief she cannot walk again (fearful thought). The recovery is almost impossible with these fanning the flame. So now family members may notice profound memory loss following this major trigger, or loss of her normal function. What really happens here is that it is possible this 82 year old was barely functioning, but not noticeable as anything alarming. As long as her routine of the last thirty years was not disturbed she was fine. Once she was placed in a position to learn and function differently life fell apart.

So now can you see what your own antecedents, triggers or mediators can be ? Sit back and write down your own:





If you need a list to check off on click here and download.

This Checklist



dR. Nisha Chellam

A traditional physician who practices functional medicine disrupting the disease and wellness space. She is a mother and has great passion for teaching.